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English Version - Tips and good practices
Updated 308 Days AgoPublic

That's a fully (hopefully) translated version of Wskazówki dobrego funkcjonowania w HS-ie - still, some translations might be incorrect, we might have eaten some articles ;) - if you feel like helping, look up the original and up to date page and help to make it functional. Regards, #translations_working_group
Paragraphs below are up for proofreading
Tips and good practices for pleasant existance in Hackerspace


  • Hackerspace - formally "Fundacja Hackerspace Kraków" (Hackerspace Kraków Foundation).
  • Member of Hackerspace - a person associated with the community who regularly supports financially or with agreed work the maintenance and development of our hackerspace.
  • Regular visitor - a member of Hackerspace who spends too much time in the headquarters (according to the standards of bystanders), is active in the community (e.g. participates in organizational meetings) and has current knowledge about the functioning of space. The easiest way to find them is to ask for the core team.
  • Core team - very active regular, sooner or later member of the foundation board or council. If he is not passing by, he is just reading the email sent to

Quick rules of interpersonal communication in Hackerspace:

  • Don't be on fire & be excellent to each other.
  • If you feel bad with someone or some behavior - mediation is provided by Big Wiktor.
  • Share knowledge and help others. If you don't know something - ask.
  • Do not disturb others if they do not want to be disturbed.

Quick rules of communication in Hackerspace:

  • Mail group, IRC channel and Telegram groups are public communication channels.
  • Mail group and Telegram members group are internal and closed communication channels.
  • If you feel like you are a Hackerspace Member - ask for access to internal channels.
  • The core team is available at
  • Big Wiktor is available at

Quick rules of tools and equipment usage in Hackerspace:

  • Take care of yourself and others in your surroundings, follow health and safety rules (BHP) and use personal protection equipment (eg. working clothing).
  • If you don't feel confident while using any tool - ask for help.
  • If you have any doubts about the tool's working state - just ask; sometimes you only need to grip it differently, and sometimes it's broken.
  • If you for sure know that a device is broken - mark it with a sticker "out of order / niesprawne", let the core team know about it.
  • If a device broke during normal usage - mark it with a sticker "out of order / niesprawne", let the core team know about it. It happens, everything has limited durability.
  • If a device broke during a not intended usage - you broke it. Mark it with a sticker "out of order / niesprawne", let the core team know about it. We will decide on how it should be repaired or replaced.
  • Some devices (less intuitive or more dangerous such as CNC mill, lathe, laser cutter, welding machine) require training and are marked with a corresponding sticker. ask the core team about getting trained.
  • If you use materials (eg. you cut plywood, screw in a lot of screws or you have used up the third disc for grinder) - replenish it as soon as possible.
  • If something ran out or is close to being used up - let the core team know.
  • If you need to borrow something and use outside the Hackerspace, agree on it with others on the mailing group.

Quick rules of storing things in Hackerspace:

  • For every Hackerspace member we are providing one 'small container' 22 l (IKEA SAMLA 801.029.76): if it's available - you can take it (stick some stickers on it with your full name or phabricator login); if you can't find any - ask a regular.
  • If you can't fit all your stuff inside it, you can move into 'big container' 45 l (IKEA SAMLA 301.029.74).
  • Every box should have and be closed with a stock lid.
  • If you can't fit all your stuff inside your box because of a project that you are actively working on - mark it with a sticker, write a date when you will take it and place it in such way that it wouldn't be a danger or interference for anybody.
  • If you can't fit a working device inside your box - you can allow others to use it. If so, mark it with a sticker and place in a safe, unobstructing place.
  • In any other case - consult your issue with the core team.

Quick rules of keeping Hackerspace tidy:

  • After you have finished or ended work for today (regardless of its success): clean up after yourself (the toilet also counts) and put tools back.
  • "Rób to z głową" - don't add unnecessary work for yourself nor others. Some power tools allow a vacuum cleaner to be plugged in.
  • If any device isn't in its designated place - put it back where it should be.
  • Don't throw away electronic devices/components, hazardous waste and not crushed bottles into the trash bin.
  • Trash bin can be emptied on weekdays into a container on the right side from the court exit (it's the other side of the magazynek window).

Quick rules of accessing Hackerspace and agenda of upcoming major events:

  • On (almost) every Friday, from 20:00, there is a Nighthack, which is an open day for everybody wanting to use our place.
  • On (almost) every second and fourth Thursday there is an organisation meeting (SpotOrg), to which we invite everybody interested in taking part in the Hackerspace development.
  • On some (usually) Saturdays there are workshops and other planned events - some rooms might be reserved for them. Reservations should be placed in[[ /calendar/ | the calendar]].
  • During (almost) all other time access to our place have Hackerspace Members.
  • They just have. Have doesn't mean that it is guaranteed. Something might go wrong, something might be broken.
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Last Edited
May 23 2024, 10:54 AM