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First steps
Updated 2,234 Days AgoPublic

First steps

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If you read this, you most likely are new to our hackerspace (or you are researching beforehand). Let's get to know each other, because who knows - maybe we'll be best friends very soon. My name is Marysia and i'll goide you (at least for now)


How to join

The easiest way to do so is to join one of our events in our venue (for example [[en:wydarzenia:nighthack|]] and telling us, that you want to sign up. That's the exact moment, when you can acquire RFID card/token to our access system which allows you to enter the venue anytime you want.

Also - your every doubt and question about our hackerspace can be answered on the spot.

Some of our media:

  • mailing group((Our main language is polish, so you have to either learn some polish or help yourself with a translator in order to understand all of our group content - but you can be sure, that if you ask or say something in english - big portion of others will be flexible enough to change the language of the discussion. Don't hesitate to do so if you want! ;) ))
  • facebook
  • twitter
  • google+
  • And also e-mail: (it's received by the decision-makers and people up to everything that's going on. They are here to help)
Membership fees

Membership fees are not compulsory to be active in our community, but we encourage you to pay them because:

  • More fees - more money to spend on cool stuff or workshops, but also boring (but important) things like rent or bills
  • We dream so much that there will be enough paying members to get financially self-sufficient and not dependent on sponsors (and spend money from them on cool stuff for you to use)
  • By paying you provide yourself with access to our venue 24/7 (thanks to the RFID token)
  • By paying you provide yourself with cardboard or plastic box for your things
  • By paying you provide yourself with a cozy, warm place in our hacker hearts :3
  • By paying you provide yourself with an access to many services within our (and not only our) infrastructure like: {{topic>uslugi&nouser}}

Membership fee actually is 50zł, payment details you can find there: here along with other informations about our finances, in case of doubt - contact Łoś, who is most competent in this regard.

What's also handy to know
Other hackerspaces and similar initiatives in Poland

^ Grabówka | FreeLab Grabówka |
^ Katowice | Hackerspace Silesia |
^ Kraków | Hackerspace Kraków |
^ ::: | Maker Space Kraków |
^ ::: | Młyn Zabierzów |
^ ::: | Wytwórnia Kraków |
^ Lublin | FabLab Lublin |
^ ::: | Hackerspace Lublin |
^ Łódź | Cohabitat |
^ ::: | FabLab Łódź |
^ Opole | Hackerspace Opole |
^ Poznań | NigmaLabs |
^ Szczecin | Hackerspace Szczecin |
^ Trójmiasto | FabLab Trójmiasto |
^ Warszawa | FabLab Warszawa |
^ ::: | Hackerspace Warszawa |
^ ::: | Mieszadło |
^ Wrocław | Hackerspace Wrocław |
^ Września | Hackerspace Września |

Hackerspaces around the world, where we've been to or visited by

^ ^ ^ ^ Our representants there ^ Their representants here ^
^ England | London | London Hackspace | Wiktor i Daneos| |
^ Belgium | Antwerp | Voidwarranties | | Marthe Van Dessel |
^ ::: | Brussels | Hackerspace Brussels | | Marthe Van Dessel |
^ Denmark | Århus | Hack Århus | | Mats |
^ France| Paris | FIXME | | Frédéric, FIXME |
^ Germany | Berlin | C-base | Mirek | Jana |
^ ::: | Dusseldorf | Chaosdorf | | Dockane & Fibre |
^ ::: | Hanover | LeineLab | TeMPOraL | |
^ Switzerland | Zurich | Chaos Computer Club Zürich | | Sofia |
^ Hungary | Budapest | Független Magyar Tudásközpont - H.A.C.K. | Bambucha i Łoś | |

Last Author
Last Edited
Jan 11 2019, 12:09 PM

Event Timeline

jkramarz edited the content of this document. (Show Details)