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Updated 2,244 Days AgoPublic

How to join Hackerspace?

The easiest way to do so is to join one of our events in our venue (for example [[en:wydarzenia:nighthack|]] and telling us, that you want to sign up. That's the exact moment, when you can acquire RFID card/token to our access system which allows you to enter the venue anytime you want.

Source: First steps

Are there any skill requirements or something like that?

Absolutely not - If you don't know or don't understand something - you can always learn it from someone, who knows the issue well or just better than you - it works both ways - there is for sure something, that we cannot do, that you can teach us ;)

There are no requirements for you to meet in order to join us. If you like the idea of Hackerspace, and you feel good around us, stay with us. The more the merrier.

IF i am not good at coding/it/electronics/whatever goes here/ can i join you?

Same as above - Best way to learn something is through doing it. If you don't know something - ask. If you want someone to show you something or teach you - ask as well. Actually - some people like to teach, and it makes them happier, isn't that awesome?

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Last Edited
Jan 11 2019, 12:06 PM

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jkramarz edited the content of this document. (Show Details)